Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why? Where? How?

Do you remember the Give 5 initiative of the 90's?

As part of the Points of Light program, CASE (the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education) and other groups suggested that Americans "Give 5." 5% of their time, 5% of their income.

For several years now I've used this concept in training and orientation sessions for new Trustees and volunteers (as well as presentations for other non-profit groups). What a wonderful concept it is -- more relevant today than ever before -- and just think how well the Third Sector would be doing if everyone made a commitment to make Give 5 part of their lives!

In simmering the pot a bit, and reducing the recipe to the local level, I added three questions that I think we have to consider here at Glens Falls Hospital. Perhaps they'll ring true for you as well.

Why would someone choose to give their five to us? Sorry folks, but this is not a case of "if we build it they will come." Rather, the most important part of what we do, perhaps, is to consider the why and craft a great case. I'm not talking about a fancy case statement -- I mean the case that becomes the reason, the promise to the community that resonates and says, "this is why," to those we seek to involve.

Where is a natural next question for our potential friends and contributors. If they understand why, we find ways to bring them even closer by getting to know them and their interests. Getting to know them and their interests. These are friendships we are talking about -- sure they are friendships with an agenda, and there is no shame in that. If we learn as much as we can about our friends, then we can help make their experience as donors to our organization the best they have ever had. That means helping them explore where to lend a hand, and enjoying the exploration with them. Remember, ownership plus a contribution equals a lifetime of giving to your organization.

How? Let's be sure we make it easy and give our friends lots of choices. We will take their check, or their on-line gift, we'll take their credit card -- of course we'll do all those things. But have you taken the time to understand how important other types of gifts can be? If I've learned nothing else over the course of my career, it is that giving is a very personal thing. Now is a great time for development professionals to think in terms of Charitable Gift Annuities. Have you reached out to your current donors and potential donors to let them know about your program? Look for creative ways to structure pledges, and always seek ways to make it as easy as possible for your best friends to say "yes."

Perhaps this all sounds simple to you....well, that's great! Obviously you are considering these questions every day. On the other hand, I could use a reminder every now and again.

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